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Activity 10: Resistance and Remembrance


Age groups:

Primarily aimed at Years 7-11 (ages 12-16)

Progression Steps 4 and 5


Teachers may also consider adapting the material for Years 4-6 (ages 9-11)

Progression Step 3


This activity provides an opportunity for students to deepen their knowledge of the Holocaust through an exploration of different acts of Jewish resistance.  Students will learn that resistance during the Holocaust took many forms, including both physical and spiritual resistance.  By examining different historical resources and personal stories, students will gain a more nuanced view of resistance during the Holocaust and consider the scope for individuals to stand up in defence of fundamental human rights and human dignity.  This in turn aims to encourage students to reflect on their own obligations in contemporary society. 


Students will also consider how societies can meaningfully remember and honour those individuals, families and communities affected by the devastation of the Holocaust. The activity includes an analysis of a memorial in Wales and gives students the opportunity to design their own Holocaust memorial or other act of remembrance, with a focus on the historical connections to the people and places of Wales.


This activity forms a natural conclusion to the series of JHASW/CHIDC Holocaust resources. In particular, it is recommended that this Activity be completed after students have first studied Activities 5-9* (which cover the history of the evolution of the Holocaust, Britain’s role, the legacy of loss and issues of responsibility). These earlier Activities provide essential context and combine with this Activity to emphasise the complexities of the moral choices which ordinary people faced during the Holocaust.


Teachers may also consider using some of the material in this activity for teaching a younger age group, as an extension to their study of Activity 4, relating to Jewish Life in Europe Pre-War.


The activity can be split easily into two sessions where necessary – Tasks 1-3 can be covered in the first session and Tasks 4 and 5 can be completed in a second session.

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