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Wiener Holocaust Library event at Glamorgan Archives

16 & 17 May 2024



Supporting Jewish Family Histories of the Holocaust in Britain


The Wiener Holocaust Library is home to the UK’s International Tracing Service digital archive, which holds millions of documents related to the Holocaust and Nazi era. The archive preserves the shared past of victims and survivors of the Holocaust and helps support family research of Nazi persecution.


Our free events programme includes the chance to view our pop-up exhibition, Fate Unknown: The Search for the Missing after the Holocaust, as well as the opportunity to learn more about the archive.


We welcome historians, archivists, family historians, heritage practitioners, and anyone interested in Jewish and Holocaust history and its aftermath.


Glamorgan Archives

Clos Parc Morgannwg, Leckwith, Cardiff CF11 8AW

16th & 17th May 2024


16th May 2024: Fate Unknown: The Search for the Missing after the Holocaust 5.00pm – 8.00pm: Exhibition Curator Talk & Drinks Reception


Join the co-curators of the Fate Unknown exhibition, Prof Dan Stone and Dr Christine Schmidt, who will explore the remarkable, little-known story of the search for the missing after the Holocaust. Fate Unknown draws upon The Wiener Holocaust Library’s family document collections and the International Tracing Service archive to illustrate the legacy of the ongoing search for missing victims.


They will be joined by Dr Tetyana Pavlush, Lecturer in Modern European History at Cardiff University, where they will discuss the development of the exhibition and reflect on some of the issues and themes it highlights.


The Curator Talk will be followed by a drinks reception, providing an opportunity to view the Fate Unknown travelling exhibition and meet the co- curators of the exhibition. The event will also feature remarks by special guests Emily Smith and Neil Richardson from the Welsh Jewish Heritage Centre.


17th May 2024: Family History Research Workshop

10.30am – 1.30pm: Research Workshop


This workshop will help you take the first steps in conducting your own family research using the International Tracing Service digital archive, including using sources freely available online. The workshop will also feature family research support services available from other partner organisations.


Participants will have the chance to sign up for one-on-one consultations with The Wiener Holocaust Library’s expert researchers. Bring your research questions!


These are free events, but space is limited. Visit to register

Digwyddiad Wiener Holocaust Library

yn Archifau Morgannwg

16 a 17 Mai 2024



Cefnogi Hanesion Teulu Iddewig o’r Holocost ym Mhrydain


Mae Llyfrgell Holocost Wiener yn gartref i archif ddigidol Gwasanaeth Olrhain Rhyngwladol y DU, sy’n cynnwys miliynau o ddogfennau yn ymwneud a’r Holocost a chyfnod i Natsïaid. Mae’r archif yn cadw’r gorffennol a rennir gan ddioddefwyr a goroeswyr yr Holocost ac yn helpu i gefnogi ymchwil teuluol i erledigaeth Natsïaidd.


Mae ein rhaglen digwyddiadau am ddim yn cynnwys cyfle i weld ein harddangosfa, Fate Unknown: The Search for the Missing after the Holocaust, ynghyd a chyfle i ddysgu mwy am yr archif.


Croesawn haneswyr, archifyddion, haneswyr teulu, ymarferwyr Treftadaeth, ac unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb yn hanes Iddewig a hanes yr Holocost.


Archifau Morgannwg

Clos Parc Morgannwg, Lecwydd, Caerdydd CF11 8AW

16 & 17 Mai 2024


16 Mai 2024: Fate Unknown: The Search for the Missing after the Holocaust

5.00yh – 8.00yh: Sgwrs Curaduron yr Arddangosfa a Derbyniad Diodydd


Ymunwch a cyd-guraduron yr arddangosfa Fate Unknown, Yr Athro Dan Stone a Dr Christine Schmidt, wrth iddynt ymchwilio i’r stori ryfeddol ond anadnabyddus am y chwilio am y colledig wedi’r Holocost. Mae Fate Unknown yn tynnu ar gasgliadau dogfennau teuluol Llyfrgell Holocost Wiener ac archif y Gwasanaeth Olrhain Rhyngwladol i bortreadu etifeddiaeth y chwilio sy’n parhau ar gyfer dioddefwyr colledig.


Yn ymuno a nhw bydd Dr Tetyana Pavlush, Darlithydd mewn Hanes Ewropeaidd Modern ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, gan drafod datblygiad yr arddangosfa a myfyrio ar rhai o’r themâu mae’n ei godi.


Dilynwyd y Sgwrs Curaduron gan dderbynfa diodydd, gan gynnig cyfle i weld arddangosfa deithiol Fate Unknown a chwrdd â cyd-guraduron yr arddangosfa. Bydd y digwyddiad hefyd yn cynnwys sylwadau gan y gwestai arbennig Emily Smith a Neil Richardson o’r Ganolfan Treftadaeth Iddewig Gymreig


17 Mai 2024: Gweithdy Ymchwil Hanes Teulu

10.30yb – 1.30yh: Gweithdy Ymchwil


Bydd y gweithdy yma yn eich helpu i gymryd y camau cyntaf i’ch ymchwil teuluol eich hun gan ddefnyddio archif digidol y Gwasanaeth Olrhain Rhyngwladol, ynghyd a ffynonellau sydd ar gael am ddim ar-lein. Yn ogystal bydd y gweithdy yn cynnwys cefnogaeth ymchwil hanes teulu gan sefydliadau partner eraill.


Bydd cyfle i’r sawl sy’n cymryd rhan i gadw lle ar ymgynghoriad un-i-un gydag ymchwilwyr arbenigol Llyfrgell Holocost Wiener. Dewch a’ch cwestiynau ymchwil!


Mae’r digwyddiadau yma am ddim ond dim ond hyn a hyn o le sydd ar gael. Ewch i i gofrestri

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